Insecure - HBO

Saturday, February 29, 2020

So, like my son signed up for a free trial of HBO thru his Amazon Prime account and of course the thing to do is run thru as many movies, original movies and series as you can before the free trial is up.  DUH!!
Whilst on my straight running thru a series like a bag of Salsa Verde Doritos and mini Twix phase, I checked out their original series, Insecure. OMG this shit right here is REALLY WHAT I NEEDED!  I swear the things that go thru our heads as women when it comes to relationships and the things we put up with, get ourselves in to, not to mention the decisions or lack of decisions we make are vividly exposed in Insecure.
How do you go to sleeping on the couch of the man that broke up your 3 year relationship?  Probably the same way I've had a "toddler" in my life for over four years, but that's another post.  Ok, back to the subject at hand...she puts herself thru so much shit and her girl, pictured above, is no better.  This is what I needed to see cause it reminds me how human I am, how human we are as women and how no one has it figured out.  That there are times in our lives where we figure it out
 "as we go along".

I have to add one more thing, that truly is important and that's the fact that her girl has her back no matter what...and I can't say the same for a couple of women I let that close to me.  One apologized and it was simply explained as a bail on life.  She didn't give up her new ass man though, but hey, I got an apology.  The second, what can I say, she was fucking my ex boss who she barely knew, but he fit the "I don't fuck with black men daddy issue I want a white man type, "I don't know how to do this, us not getting along", but never fucking really tried either.  Little rant there, but hey, it happens.  Again, back to the subject at hand...her girlfriend is not perfect and they have their differences but at least she has her girl when it matters most.  It's not about how much time you spend with yo peeps, it's the quality and knowing you can count on them when all else fails.

LA backdrop, bills, job vs. career, who you know and network with, are all covered in Insecure also.  Education, titles and the likes do not a happy camper make at times.  Life changes are good and we know they're needed, but the courage to make the change is not always there, sometimes we need to be shoved.  I can relate, LA is my home and I am blessed beyond words to be in my position, but I didn't wake up and say, I want to be "here".

I guess I could say I see things about myself, my friends, my girls and my family, in Insecure.  I think any female can, if she's being honest.  Check it out, share the love and realize no one has it figured out, Oh So Worth A View, HBO's Insecure.

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