Breaking up With My Best Friend

Saturday, February 1, 2020

I've mentioned, ok fine, vented a couple of times in my post about two girlfriends that are no longer in existence in my life.  One apologized for deserting our friendship but didn't desert her new boyfriend and the other didn't know how to do "us not getting along" when she decided to fuck my boss. 
With that being said, both for me were huge struggles to lose.  They were my girls, they got me, they clicked with me and honestly we had each other's back.  Hmmmm remember to write post about women who chose new relationships over their girlfriends!!!!  Ok, back to the post and what I'm trying to say.  It's important to have a girlfriend or girlfriends in your life.  It's sometimes the most healthy relationship you have cause it doesn't matter how you look, how much you make or any of the other superficial things that define who is in our presence and in our lives.  Your friendship is not based on specific common denominators like having kids, not having kids or your relationship status.
With a relationship giving so much to you and meaning so much to you, what happens when it becomes unhealthy, when it becomes this weight on your shoulders, an obstacle blocking your peace of mind, a means of anxiety to your co-existence in your own home?  I've moved on, yes I have, but moving on does not remove me calling out folks on their bullshit, sorry that's just not me, but I can't imagine losing someone so close to me that we shared a home and now having to end that friendship because this person I love is so toxic it's making me sick.  Read and connect with an actual life experience of love and loss of a girlfriend in the article, Breaking Up With My Best Friend In My 30s Was So Hard But Necessary, by Angela Moler, featured on the  OH SO WORTH A READ I tell ya!

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