Bonding - Netflix

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ok, where do I begin?  I recommended this to a few people and let's just say they all LOVED this series.  It's just pure comedy with room to reach back in our own lives and remember, reflect and understand that friendships change cause people move on...
But let's be honest, it's not about the moving on, it's not about how much we change but where we are with the friendship when it resurfaces in our life.  Are we holding on to something, are we content and fulfilled in our own lives so their incredible life doesn't make us feel inadequate or their struggles re-affirm our blessings or since we're being honest do you view their struggles as, "really tell me more".
Bonding re-introduces two former besties.  But we all know what re-introduction can look like.  Some where in this re-introduction to our lives there is either a time and place for rekindling and falling into sync like you haven't missed a step or as in this case there is a need bigger than the questions and the sharing and the figuring anything out.  That's what Bonding is, friendships past, friendships present and stepping back in sync against a backdrop of education, fears, sexual harassment, financial strain with humor as the thread that holds it all together.
Love this series, Oh So Worth A View, Bonding on Netflix.
Oh yea, what do they call those things, those warning thingies.  Wait for it, wait for it, still waiting for it, hhhhmmm, can't think of what they call them buuuuuut, please note
DO NOT WATCH THIS WITH YOUR CHILDREN, well anyone's CHILDREN, IN THE ROOM, THE NEXT ROOM, LET'S JUST SAY IN YOUR HOME PERIOD.  JK, no I'm serious, it's most definitely is not for kids and yea, I wouldn't watch with my parents either.  Just sayin'!

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