A Taste - Bliss

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Venti Green Tea Frap
Non Fat Milk
6 Pumps Classic Sweetner
No Whip

when it's cold outside

Venti White Chocolate Mocha
6 Pumps
Whole Milk
Extra Stir The Milk
Plus Whip

Anyone who knows me, know I LOVE STARBUCKS. I drink it religiously, without fail, each and every day.  Some have said how can you drink it every day and some have even added up the cost over a year for my little liquid fix, to which I always respond, "It's cheaper than attorney's fees for killing a native". I don't knock anyone who doesn't enjoy Starbucks like I do, but I am willing to share the love.
Reply to this post with your favorite Oh So Worth A Taste Starbucks drink, special formula included if you have one lol and the next one is on me!  

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