Viola Davis Glamour Magazine Interview

Friday, January 12, 2018

Viola Davis' Personal Story Will Make You Love Her Even More

I've never gone hungry, I've never had rats in my home...I never knew what it was like to grow up in these conditions in anyone's home.  We lived on the southeast side of town, between two projects but our projects compared to actual inner city projects, looked like townhouses, that's literally what I've been told by people who lived in impoverished areas of some cities. 
When I read Viola Davis' account of her childhood, in her interview with  for Glamour magazine, and what she went thru, it reminded me of just how much I did have growing up and just how much harder it could have been.  No, I'm not saying I didn't appreciate my mother working two jobs and having food on the table, lights on, running water, heat in the winter, ac in the summer and that this interview, her honesty about her childhood, opened my eyes.  I know all to well, how hard it could have been, but this interview, the details painted so vividly you can visualize it as clear as if you were there with her, gave me another level of appreciation.  

I think this article even though it's from a few years ago, the message timeless and Oh So Worth A Read, for the new level of appreciation, for reflection and a renewed appreciation for what you do have and for where you are today.  To remind us of just how hard it could have been and how hard it can get and these are reasons to "Start Each Day with a Grateful Heart".

Reflect and Enjoy!

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