Issa Rae - Rolling Stone Interview

Monday, September 27, 2021


In my Oh So Worth a View posts, you'll find the post, Insecure HBO, which at the time covered seasons one thru season three, of the HBO series Insecure.  I shared a post about the show because I could just relate to the "shit" women do. I just saw my girlfriends and women I've known in the character and her best friend and her circle.  Professionally, check, financially, check, relationships check.  So now let me share with you, the show's creator and star, Issa Rae.   
When someone's "star" begins to shine bright, not only are you recognized but you're invited to a seat at the table, you are successful and succeeding.  So of course people want to know, who you are, how did you get there and what makes you shine so bright.  They want to relate to you and this interview with Issa Rae by Brittany Spanos,  made her just as relatable if not more so than her character. 

I loved reading about her vision board and how she realized just how many things she had completed and that moving forward from that vision board means not just new visions but visions with "intent". For me, this is huge because launching this blog is something I've talked about but now launching it is with "intent" to give me a better life, to bring joy to my day-to-day and purpose to my life.  

Friends, this pandemic and really learning where you stand in those relationships is something we all have had to do, even her.  I have a friend I haven't seen in over a year and "I" need to do better, it doesn't matter what she has or hasn't done, how am I as a friend.

She was never deterred by her failings, just delayed until the right venue for her talent could be realized.  Talk about not giving up, did you know that as early as 11 years old, she was already writing scripts?  Her first was for the Cosby Show and this wasn't in a notebook somewhere in her bedroom as a fantasy, she actually submitted it. How many of us can say we've followed our childhood dreams and to this day, we are living that dream?

Insecurities and awkward moments, we've all had and have them and we've all had moments where we don't fit in or feel apart of, we just don't always have someone we can relate too, someone who gets it, who learned from it.  I knew who Tupac Shakur was when he died, did you?  Well she didn't, talk about "awkward".  

I could go on and on about this interview and what it meant to me, but I know if you read it for yourself, it will feel personal and relatable to you, your goals, your dreams, your career, your relationships and all those insecure awkward moments you've experienced.  

Oh So Worth a Read, Rolling Stone Magazine's, Issa Rae The Queen of Comedy, by Brittany Spanos.  

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