Sunday, July 2, 2017

You reap what you sow, so let's sow love and caring and giving, into the world.
Here's a great way to have a cup of Joe and give a kitty a new home.Crumbs and Whiskers is a non-profit coffee shop and home for kitties in need of adoption.
Each Experience can be purchased by making a contribution. Your contribution helps us
care for our cats, provide them with a nurturing and comfortable environment,
and ensure they get adopted to the right homes.

Madge Says: Don’t Stop Believin’ Your Vagina Is A Powerhouse

Sunday, May 14, 2017

I've had three kids, ranging in size from 5 lbs 4 ounces to 9 lbs.  I didn't need to do anything to "grab back" you might say, buuuuuuttttt I also feel like since I've hit my 50's I need to make sure I stay that way. 
Yes, I am terrified of the day I have to wear Depends or any other protective gear.  You're laughing, but when I  had my 8 lb 5 oz baby, I had to get a catheter and I was traumatized cause no told me I might not be able to hold my urine.  I pulled the cord to call the nurse and sat there sobbing because I had literally urinated all over myself while trying to get to the bathroom.   Humiliated, in shock and apologizing for the mess I'd made, the nurse rubbed my shoulder and told explained to me why it happened, catheter, that it was normal and I'd be back to normal in a day or less.  YES I AM TERRIFIED, to this day!  


Make Your Photo Count!

Friday, May 12, 2017

We take selfies, we take pics of events, occasions and everything in life in between.
Well here is a chance to make your photo count.

Click the photo above and check out Johnson & Johnson's Donate a Photo, and see how something we do everyday can a make a difference every day!


Act Your Age - The Art of the Adult Onesie!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

You've seen them, you've thought about them and you may have even tried one in your life time...The Jumpsuit!  This is my go to when I'm running late to work, dinner with friends or just over trying to decide what to wear.  And at my age, I've found this to be one of the best pieces to have in your wardrobe cause there is something youthful, fun and stylish and most of all timeless, about a great jumpsuit. 


How My Ex and An STD Nearly Killed Me

In a matter of months, I lost my six-figure career, my luxury Hollywood apartment, everything—thanks to one conniving ex.


Save on Gas and Money and The Environment


Karl Vs. Sweat Pants and Such!

I know it may not sound funny to some but it's my blog and I laughed out loud at this quote.
"Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You gave up on your life so you bought sweat pants."
If you can hang with the humor, click the pic for more Karl Lagerfield quips and quotes. 


Why Straight Women Marry Each Other

Mugosi Maningo and Anastasia Juma's homestead lies among a cluster of hamlets that make up the remote village of Nyamongo in far northern Tanzania. There's no road to their circular thatched houses in the bushland, only a snaking dirt track carved out by cattle on their way to graze. It's early May—the rainy season in this part of East Africa—and the sky is growling loudly. The two women rush to gather crops before the inevitable downpour hits. "My wife and I do everything together," says Juma, 27, a petite woman wearing a fuchsia T-shirt and short braids in her hair. "We're just like any married couple."


This music here

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Childish Gambino!
I've heard the name but couldn't name you one song by him.  But when QuestLove writes a full blown tribute to your cd, then it's time for me to give you some attention.

I LOVE THIS's so old skool it spoke to me like he knew what I was missing in my music collection.  This here is how you honor the greats who created music and understood that a song was written from the heart and soul and not based on commercial duplication to appeal to the bottom line.

This pulls from an era when you pulled out the liner notes of an album and read it word for word, credit for credit and knew in your head that the horns blowing in your ear were arranged by               , that the harmonies were rehearsed and banged out on a piano until they were perfect cause what song didn't have HARMONIES, a BRIDGE and COURSES.


My Favorite Place For Breakfast - Noho

Monday, March 20, 2017


Wednesday, March 15, 2017



Tuesday, March 7, 2017


There is nothing more that I can say that will explain how much this movie means to me, but to say
It's heartbreaking to know that not only racism, but sexism perpetrated by men and women on women, kept the accomplishments of these BLACK FEMALE GENIUSES out of YOUR history books. 
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