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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Childish Gambino!
I've heard the name but couldn't name you one song by him.  But when QuestLove writes a full blown tribute to your cd, then it's time for me to give you some attention.

I LOVE THIS's so old skool it spoke to me like he knew what I was missing in my music collection.  This here is how you honor the greats who created music and understood that a song was written from the heart and soul and not based on commercial duplication to appeal to the bottom line.

This pulls from an era when you pulled out the liner notes of an album and read it word for word, credit for credit and knew in your head that the horns blowing in your ear were arranged by               , that the harmonies were rehearsed and banged out on a piano until they were perfect cause what song didn't have HARMONIES, a BRIDGE and COURSES.

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