Tuesday, March 7, 2017


There is nothing more that I can say that will explain how much this movie means to me, but to say
It's heartbreaking to know that not only racism, but sexism perpetrated by men and women on women, kept the accomplishments of these BLACK FEMALE GENIUSES out of YOUR history books. 
How did this happen you ask? Simple, the belief that a woman's place no matter her intelligence, surpassed and equal to her male counterparts, was to serve white men, at NASA.  If no woman had a right to be in the presence of men on certain levels or even receive credit for their work by actually placing their name on their own reports and calculations then how would they ever have their names in YOUR HIStory books for one of the greatest accomplishments of YOUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
As if Racism wasn't enough, these BLACK FEMALE GENIUSES had to deal with the ignorance of sexism brought on them by their white female supervisors.  How does a woman so blind to her racism, not see that she is holding back her own species from advancing?  How does a woman so blind to her racism that she won't support, promote, fight and stand next to these WOMEN who have the chance to open doors for her ass too?  
WATCH THIS MOVIE with your family, your girlfriends, your neighbors, your co-workers.  There are some very very HUMAN moving parts to this movie that far outreach racism and sexism.  There are some very very HUMAN moving parts to this movie that make us humans that come together in fear and prayer as a nation and as a people, in spite of racism and sexism.

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