Pamprin and My Heating Pad Are My Friends

Thursday, August 23, 2018
Seriously, WTF is happening to me????

I'm sleeping on a heating pad and running to Wally World like a teenager begging her mother for Pamprin cause she's dying from cramps!!!!!

I'm 53 "F"ing years old and now in the past two years I've decided to have cramps.  Yes, I'm one of those women who had like mild discomfort when I had my period but never knew what cramps were.   As my daughter so politely put salt in the wound, SUUUUUCKERRRRR!!! Now they have become a way of life and I'm TO OLD FOR THIS SHIT!  Like my cramps are seriously heating pad for two nights and Pamprin worthy cramps.

Noooo, I have not started going thru the change, so take that look off your face.  This sucks but tell me one person who says they just love those "hot flashes" and "night sweats". Yeah that's what I thought, I rest my case.

Ok I'm done...well actually I'm not cause it's been 6 DAMN DAYS!!!

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