Keeps the Natives (residents at my property) Alive

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Playlist come from all walks of our lives from love and war to that job that pays well, gives free rent, 5 weeks vaca per year and free health insurance...but it doesn't mean there aren't cons, like HUGE CONS. One of those being people think they can treat you like shit because they pay rent, so you have to find a way to deal, something to get you by.

For me that's my daily and I do mean daily, trip to Starbucks.  And one of the highlights of my daily trip is the great music I get to hear.  So great I started a playlist of the songs I hear each time I go to Starbucks, rather its here in LA, in Pasadena, even in Nebraska and back home in Illinois.

I call the playlist, Keeps the Natives Alive.  Yeah I know, I've had two people say I can't call it that and I've another calculate how much I spend a year at Starbucks.  Well, it's like this, my daily trip to Starbucks is cheaper than attorney's fees for killing a native, clears throat, killing a resident I mean.

Oh So Worth A Listen presents the Spotify Playlist, Keeps the Natives Alive, my daily dose of music from the land of Starbucks. 

Keeps the Natives (residents at my property) Alive

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